PIANOVERSAL is happy to announce: the upcoming Album „LUMINESCENCE“ with chamber music & piano music by Esther Flückiger will be released on 20 November 2019. The album was recorded by various artists, such as Ludovic Van Hellemont - piano, Jiří Němeček - violin, Massimo Mazzoni - saxophone, Rose-Maire Soncini - alto flute, Tomas Dratva - piano, Trio Flair (Esther Flückiger - piano, Stefan Läderach - violin, Emanuel Rütsche - violoncello) and Esther Flückiger - hang and piano.

The album will be available on streaming and download services worldwide. More information to follow soon.

With the beginning of autumn PIANOVERSAL continues the "Composer of the Week" features!

Discover piano music by well-known and lesser known composers and enjoy our popular PIANOVERSAL listening tips. You will find new portraits of Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013) and Tomi Räisänen (*1976). The fascinating piano music of both composers is definitely worth a discovery! PIANOVERSAL is looking forward to your visit - there are already more than 30 portraits! Enjoy the music!

More: Composer of the Week

In 2019 PIANOVERSAL dedicates two albums to the Swiss composer, pianist and improviser Esther Flückiger, who lives in Milan. In "Verso Nikà" for piano, electronics, sound sculptures and shell horn, Flückiger explores the theme of migration. "Verso Nikà" was created for the project with the same name by Esther Flückiger with the artists Karin Eggers and Susana Talayero for performances in the summer of 2018 on the island of Pantelleria in the Sicilian Sea.

The PIANOVERSALRegister is growing steadily. In June 2019, our popular data base on piano music lists 9419 piano compositions (solo and chamber music) by 536 composers. Among the latest entries are the works of Marita A. Niederberger, Sylvie Courvoisier, Albert Moeschinger, Miroslav Srnka, Chaya Czernowin, Philippe Cashian, Elnaz Seyedi, Jessica Rudman, Richard Flury, Hugo Vasco Reis and Thomas Wally.

Check out the PIANOVERSALRegister and use our knowledge for free. Help and share your knowledge with the global piano community. Entries are simple. We are especially excited about contributions of current First Performances. Above all, we would like to promote the presence of contemporary piano music. Help us crack the 10'000 mark!

Browse and discover! Click here to go to the PIANOVERSALRegister.

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